| 1. | Gene promoter on its 5 flanking sequence 基因5末端侧翼序列启动子的分析 |
| 2. | Gene promoter on its 5 flanking sequence analysis of the mouse 基因5末端侧翼序列启动子的分析 |
| 3. | Floral aberrance of cbf1 transgenic tobacco and analysis of its flanking sequences 1基因烟草植株的花器官变异及其插入区侧翼序列的分析 |
| 4. | Sequential amplification of flanking sequences by y - shaped adaptor dependent extension using multiple templates 形接头延伸法进行相邻序列的连续扩增 |
| 5. | Phz621 - phz622 , the new gene replacement vector system , had been constructed through the insertion of the 1 . 0kb and 1 . 4kb flanking sequences of hau3r gene from wild - type s . lividans in the same natural orientation 预期在携带有大插入片段的基因置换yac分子进入野生型变铅青链霉菌后, yac分子将通过1 . 4kb或1 |
| 6. | We amplified aroa , aroc , arob of common pathway , csra and its flanking sequence of global regulation network from e . colt , and kan resistant gene from plasmid pet28a . 4 . centerpiece of this 在bioflo3000bateh / continuousbioreaetor ( sl )进行发酵试验结果证实,发酵液中副生杂酸较少,产品经初步纯化后纯度较高,可达93 % 。 |
| 7. | The transient expression of lacz driven by crtw 306bp s ' - flanking sequence and crtz 302bp s ' - flanking sequence shows that these two sequences habour transcription regulatory sequences 以lacz为报告基因的瞬间表达实验结果表明,长度分别为306bp和302bp的crtw和crtz5 '上游侧翼序列具有很强的启动转录活性,提示两段序列包含了启动子的结构。 |
| 8. | The gd and ge gene was subcloned into puc18 , resulting in pugdge . the fragment from pcdnas . 1 - including hcmv promoter / enhancer , mcs and neomycin resistance gene was inserted into the bamhi and bsteii restrication sites of pugdge , resulting in the universal transfer vector pgd - m - ge . the universal transfer vector pgd - m - ge has deleted the gi gene and 363bp in the 5 ' end of the ge orf of prv . there were 11 restrication sites for insertion of the foreign gene . the upstream and downstream flanking sequences were up to 1 . 25kb and 1 . 42kb . it will be useful for developing the recombinant prv expressing foreign gene ( s ) 将gd 、 ge基因连接于质粒puc18获得pugdge ,缺失质粒pugdge的bamh和bste位点间391bp的片段。在此缺失位置插入来自质粒pcdna3 . 1 -的一伪狂犬病病毒gd 、 ge 、 tk基因的克隆与通用转移载体的构建段含hcmv启动子。多克隆位点和neo报告基因的片段,构建了通用转移载体ppd m pe 。 |
| 9. | With h . trueperi genomic dna and degenerate primers , a 560 bp pcr fragment was obtained and labeled as a probe . after h . trueperi genomic dna was digested with different endonucleases , southern blot result showed a 2 . 6 kb positive fragment digested by ecori and ipcr was carried out to obtain the flanking sequence 将扩增片段用地高辛标记成探针,与用不同限制性内切酶完全酶切的h . trueperi总dna片段作southem杂交,结果显示在ecori酶切片段的2 . 6kb处有阳性信号。 |
| 10. | In order to study the expression of 3 - defensins in liver as acute phase response proteins , a murine systemic acute phase responsive model was established by intraperitoneal injection o f lipopolysaccharide ( lps ) in our study . the mbd3 cdna sequence ( 145 - 169 bp ) was labled with [ - 32p ] atp as a probe to detect mbd3 mrna in different tissues by northern blot and analyze the time - and dose - dependant expression caused by lps . the 5 " flanking sequence ( - 167 - 179 bp ) of the mbd3 gene was designed as the probe and labled with [ - 32p ] dctp to investigate the binding of transcriptional factors to this region by electrophoretic mobility shift assay ( emsa ) and south - western blot 以小鼠mbd3基因145 ? 169bpcdna序列合成探针,经[ - ~ ( 32 ) p ] atp标记后通过northernblot方法检测mbd3在肝脏中的表达,同时分析了mbd3基因诱导表达的组织特异性,剂效和时效关系;结合mbd3基因启动子区序列分析,以- 164 ? - 179bp双链dna序列合成探针,经[ - ~ ( 32 ) p ] dctp标记后通过电泳迁移率改变实验( emsa )和south ? westernblot方法对参与mbd3在肝脏中诱导表达调节的转录因子进行分析。 |